
Climate Hope: Tools for teaching climate change in NM schools
25 Nov 06:30 PM
Until 25 Nov

Climate Hope: Tools for teaching climate change in NM schools

This 350NM Zoom discussion is aimed at two groups in our community: teachers (especially middle school) and everybody else!
Are you a New Mexico teacher (of any subject) who understands the urgency of the climate crisis but are uncertain how to present the topic?
Or are you someone who is curious about how to explain climate change basics to yourself and people you know?

A 350 New Mexico group spent three years writing, modifying and testing a multidisciplinary tool kit for middle school teachers to address this need. Specifically focused on New Mexico, Climate Hope covers the basic science behind climate change and its impact on our local communities with a focus on climate injustice. It suggests a wide range of urgently needed actions to both mitigate and adapt to this growing crisis. Everyone concerned about our climate future is invited to learn more about these dynamic tools and how they support meaningful climate literacy.

These activities were classroom and teacher-tested. Learn about the history of this project and our classroom experiences. We partnered with Talking Talons to put on one teacher workshop.
